Title: Nukage, Inc.
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/nukage3.zip
Size: 1.48 MB
Date: 12/23/22
Author: Eurynome Bartleby
Description: A short map that's an E1M1 in spirit. Big factory-type place filled with my all of my (a baby)'s firsts It's full of cool lights (get some brightlights on there) and doomcute shit. Went overboard with 3d floors, as babies do. All in all I hope it's a cool place with decent combat.
Credits: My bro for being a top-tier cheerleader and tester on this project even though he's not a Doom person. Him trying out my map throughout it's development, and in it's final form, truly made this worth it. I get it now. I get why it feels so good for someone else to have fun with something you made.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: The first version of the WAD shows a "date modified" of 2019-09-02 and that's also my best guess as to when I started this. Which means I took about three years.
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE3
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