Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/overload.zip
Size: 1.5 MB
Date: 05/10/23
Description: My first Solo WAD after the dumpster fire that was Cleansing of Hell, giving me the nickname "IWAD GUY" Among decino's discord server... As has been said by literally everyone, a significant step up from that pile of whatever filler I made in what was ironically my hayday as a mapper. God I wish this wad was in the place of cleansing. Make sure you have freelook and jump turned off for this WAD, as they may break the flow of some maps.
Credits: alp (for helping to assemble this list) ANonThingie! (Detailed playtesting) Biodegradeable (Various) Cleansing Playtesters (as it says on the tin) decino (I wouldn't be here without him) Ennello (For Supporting me when I was a downer) Kan3 (playtesting) Major Arlene (playtesting) Naarok0fkor (playtesting) Nathan (my best friend, of course he'll be here) NiGHTS (playtesting) Remster (playtesting) Me (music + maps)
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 266 Days (April 24, 2022 - January 12, 2023 + 3 Slacking off)
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: None
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