Title: Birthday Bash (30th bday version)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/bbash_30.zip
Size: 6.9 MB
Date: 12/06/23
Author: Milkman
Description: Single Player campaign, 31 levels.

NOTE: Needs a sector limit removing source port to play.

MAJOR NOTE: THIS WAD NEEDS BOTH DOOM 1 AND DOOM 2 IWADS TO PLAY! BBASH-30 uses resources from both IWADS. I would suggest using ZDL or similar front end launcher to achieve this

MAP01 - 12: "Petersen"-esque challenge maps MAP13 - 19: Episode 1 (return to UAC), with a sprinkle of Ep 2 MAP20 - 30: Hell itself

Story: As DOOMGUY settles in for a relaxing evening leading to his birthday, buying his favourite sponge cake and polishing his weapons, ammo, and taxidermied Imp, he sees a space in his gun cabinet - a dusty outline of a BFG.

Enraged at this scenario, a apparition of the Cyberdemon appears, laughing and taunting DOOMGUY

"You want your precious BFG?? You must return from whence you came to retrieve it!"

Grinning at the proposition, DOOMGUY gets his favourite (and only) pistol from the cabinet, exactly 50 bullets and steps up the the apparition.

"Show me what you've got".

The Cyberdemon laughs and opens a portal, beckoning you to enter

"By the way, happy birthday mate"

"Cheers cobba"
Credits: CodeImp for Doombuilder2 and Anotak for DoomBuilder X (what a gift), the good folks behind SLADE and GZDoomBuilder, the Doomworld community for posting how-tos all over Doomworld or the wider internet, and of course big credit to ID Software for making the best video game ever to grace this planet.

Thanks: Big thanks to everyone who playtested the WAD, in particular KVELLER for insanely through feedback and helping with testing for multiple source ports. eHarper256 and HAK3180 for the great feedback and encoraging points.

And super special thanks to my good friend Nik for playing through these from a non-DOOM perspective, and right from the start when they were very, very bad.
Base: From scratch.
Build time: It's depressing to think about.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder X, GZDB, SLADE, WhackEd4
Bugs: None that aren't source port specific.
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