Title: Demon Attack's Remains
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/da_remains.zip
Size: 1.44 MB
Date: 07/30/23
Author: bowserknight / OneDoomedAngelo on YT
Description: Back in 2014 - 2016, I used to be part of a small team that wanted to make their own 32-maps mega- wad called Demon Attack. Unfortunately, we stopped at 28 maps and the project never got finished. I found this wad lying around in my Doom folder and thought I'd upload it. It would be a waste if these maps never saw the light of day.

I made 5 of these maps (Maps 07, 16, 28, 30 and 32). The other maps were all made by the people listed in the credits below.

These maps vary in difficulty and quality, due to the different mapping skills and styles of each person.

I can only really tell you about the 5 maps I made, since I haven't spoken to the others in many many years. My maps lean more towards experienced players, they can be pretty hectic and difficult at times. Most of them are based on levels in other games or other Doom maps.
Credits: doomdaniel95, Paul Vonk, Liam Fitzpatrick, ??? (4 of the guys who also worked on this, forgot the last guy's name)
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, Ultimate Doombuilder
Bugs: Softlock at the end if you don't kill 1st Arach- notron
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