Title: Pinochestein 3D edicion GL (GZDoom)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gzp8glv2.zip
Size: 33.09 MB
Date: 09/03/15
Author: Gabriel Valderrama (Kotometal-0041)
Description: Pinochestein 3D edicion GL (GL edition) is a total conversion of the original pinochestein 3D that tries to take the best advantage of the new features of ZDoom based ports through UDMF format mapping and lighting implemented by hardware acceleration through OpenGL (hence the name). This version not only improves lighting decorations, also fixes all of the maps to give a more Doom-ish style and a more futuristic touch according to the previous history of the game.
Credits: See the instruction manual in https://www.dropbox.com/s/1tbnuftyk2yjzcb/PinochesteinGL%20-%20Manual%20English.pdf?dl=0 for a detailed credit list.
Base: Modified from Pinochestein 3D edicion Z
Build time: 2 years and 6 months
Editor(s) used: GZDoomBuilder r2223 + Slade 3.1.0 + Doom Builder 2 r1715
Bugs: Critical bugs and visual issues fixed.
Rating: (22 votes)
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Very enjoyable!x
Very terrible maps with enemy hordes just thrown at your candy ass, there is a lot of shit going off all at one in this train wreck and there will be now mercy as you are relentlessly pounded by the hundreds of cheap enemies lobbed at you. Not worth a fucking moment of your damn time.x
This is a trash wad. It eats garbage.x
3 Vote with no taste how shameful I did find this mod really great! x
Quite the dreadful wadx
This is so bad it makes the CacoDemon Frown.x
This ia bad, real bad. :/x

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