Title: GZDoom Speedmapping Session #1
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/gzspd1.zip
Size: 98.19 KB
Date: 08/15/14
Author: Cyberdemon531
Description: I set out to make a megawad in under one hour. This is the result.
Credits: realm667 for some things
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 59 Minutes 54 Seconds
Editor(s) used: GZDoombuilder
Rating: (5 votes)
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es una mierda esto todos los niveles son cortos y feo mal echos parese que los iso un nilo de 4 aņosx
Mind that at the end, the fun of playing DooM is in the gameplay. That's what it is, nothing more or less than that. So seriously mate, what is the additional value of this mapset with horribly poor maps? In short: in terms of gameplay and fun, this hour was a complete WOT. 0 + 1 because it was a brave but impossible attempt = 1/5. BTW What's next, 30 throw-away maps in 20 minutes? ;-)x
I know its bad next time try to be a bit better but the traps were a bit good 1/5 playability 1/5 traps x
walter confalonieri
I've expected something in style of Countdown to Exinction or similar, but i've got this thing.x

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