Title: Project Mars Base
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/pmb.zip
Size: 770.69 KB
Date: 02/09/03
Author: Team Asphix
Description: The first mission to the moons of mars was a 2 man team of space marines who were trying to see if the moons were able to sustain the UAC's new space station. The team landed, they report every thing seems fine, but the shuttle they were in had been destryoed in the landing. After a day the team had failed to report back. The last thing they reported informed you that they had used charges to break through a small opening in the rocks, because they had detected a life form in a tunnel on the other side. The UAC sends you to rescue the team and check on thier progression of the project. What you find to your supprise is the crashed suttle, and the cave that they had tunneled into, but only one of the marines, and he was laying in front of you dying. The last few things he tells you is, the other marine was eaten by some beast that came through this gate. You see that he had destroyed the gate befor he was attacked. The last marine dies, you are now alone in this strange place built on alien soil. You can hear some noise comming from the tunnels, you try and radio back and notice that the transmition is very unclear. You figure that the base back on earth will send up a rescue team to find you... But then you remember, you are the rescue team...!! Oh shit... now what...? Well play the levels and see..!!!!!!
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Bugs: none that I have found....
Rating: (9 votes)
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Getsu Fune
mixed bag, I hated MAP01, MAP07 starts out just like Dead Simple, and MAP09 doesn't even have an exit. judging from the amount of monsters, I'd say this is more of a coop-oriented mapset than for singleplayer. I'd recommend it if you like Metallica or slaughtering weak monsters, but it didn't do well for me.x
Sorry, not finished wad. And it's 2k3. Tsk tsk. ~2/5x
fun wadx
Map01 starts off with a nicely-detailed broken teleporter, and then sets a pattern where you fight masses of weak monsters, and you have more weapons than in all of E1 of the original Doom (probably). The rest of the maps are just the same - not awful, but the combination of easy gameplay and swarms of baddies is numbing. You get the plasma at the start almost all the time. NB there are nine maps, but 06 and 07 are placeholders (skip 'em).x
If you are in the mood to just shoot a lot of monsters then this may be for you. Don't believe the text file - There are only 9 levels.x
Really nice stuff. Btw, don't lie us... this is only 9 maps. 4/5- Motix
The text file is hideously inaccurate--there are only 6 levels (and a half-assed modification to Dead Simple--some additional barons), a full music replacement, and no new textures that I observed. The levels that are there are aesthetically unattractive, and shoddily composed. Packed with monsters of all sizes and WAY too much ammo--not much of a challenge, despite there being 430+ monsters in the first map. Obviously a project that was abandoned in its early stages. Avoid. --Demon of the Wellx

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