Title: Pagbspd2
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pagbspd2.zip
Size: 160.49 KB
Date: 04/24/99
Author: Pedro Arturo Gomez Blanco (PAGB666)
Description: My second public release for DooM. It is a pretty big level in a base theme. Don't waste ammo, you'll need it... This level should work with normal DooM2, but errors will appear. This level was going to be ZDooM specific, but I didn't have an appropiate editor, maybe next time...
Credits: Id Software, Ben Morris, Graxas, Popeye
Base: theme. Don't waste ammo, you'll need it... This level should work with normal DooM2, but errors will appear. This level was going to be ZDooM specific, but I didn't have an appropiate editor, maybe next time...
Build time: I dunno...
Editor(s) used:
Rating: (2 votes)
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this didn't work.x
Enormously good fun, this could easily slot into any modern megawad despite being seven years old. The only caveat is that it doesn't seem to work with ZDoom; I used PRBoom instead. It's well-designed with a clean techbase followed by a mountain hideaway, and there's just enough ammo to cope with the action. The start is slightly iffy, in that you only have a pistol. There's an outdoors arena that reminded me of N64 Doom for some reason.x

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