Title: Dark Barren Forest
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pc_dbf.zip
Size: 1.85 MB
Date: 10/08/06
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: A Dark Barren Forest. Its a dark night and outside lies an unknown beast and it must be killed to win the level. This level will only run in Zdoom. Jumping and shooting are the keys to winning this level. You are only given a SSG, and two shotgunners await outside and decrease your health and chickens run around in a pen nearby.
Credits: Cutmanmike for inspiration (ghoul and ghoul2.wad) Raven Software for The Heretic Chicken (Yes, there are chickens in this map) Myself for the Unknown Beast and Original MP3 Music
Base: From scratch Editors used Doom Builder 1.68, Wintex 4.3 Known Bugs None

The level will only work in the lastest version of ZDOOM, and any version that has its own internal BSP builder. Make sure you have the lastest version of ZDOOM, goto www.zdoom.org and download it.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68, Wintex 4.3 Known Bugs None

The level will only work in the lastest version of ZDOOM, and any version that has its own internal BSP builder. Make sure you have the lastest version of ZDOOM, goto www.zdoom.org and download it.
Bugs: None

The level will only work in the lastest version of ZDOOM, and any version that has its own internal BSP builder. Make sure you have the lastest version of ZDOOM, goto www.zdoom.org and download it.
Rating: (19 votes)
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