Title: Planisphere
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/planisf.zip
Size: 726.4 KB
Date: 02/25/17
Author: Perro Seco
Description: PLOT: You're traveling home by train, but suddenly there's a crash and the train stops. You look through the window and see ugly monsters everywhere.

At that moment, the head of the UAC calls you and explains to you that some monsters are coming through several portals created by themselves, and besides they have gone into a missile launch facility. What's more, it's thought that there's a nazi army which is hidden, and taking adavantage of the chaos, they will try to take the control!

You must try to get into some of the portals to fight the monsters in their own world, but be careful and don't get lost in time! And if you come across the nazi army, destroy it.

As for the missiles, a team of technicians experts in bombs will take over.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: The map is designed to be played in a source-port that removes the limits of the original Doom. On the other hand you should save game every now and then, because there are some ambushes.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor 1.3, Doombuilder and XWE 1.16.
Bugs: None (as long as I know).
Rating: (7 votes)
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Great map, loved the dark yet colourful atmosphere and the gameplay.x
This level has a nice sense of exploration.x

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