Title: Underground Presence
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pres.zip
Size: 203.91 KB
Date: 02/23/17
Author: youraverageamir
Description: *This wad is playable with any control scheme, but it was designed for mouselook and WASD, with no jumping or crouching*

There have been reports of a demonic presence deep below the earth, killing everyone in the underground UAC facility nearby. You and your squad have been sent to investigate the presence. You will have to fight your way through the caverns, the long buried ruins, and finally the UAC facility itself to get to the heart of the presence and put an end to it.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A year, on and off.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: Some enemies in MAP02 may not teleport into the arena, preventing you from getting 100% kills.
Rating: (2 votes)
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Amateur design that's very consistent with its inconsistency. The first impression that you get when loading the first map of this WAD will persist for MAP01 - MAP04. The final 2 level are slightly better - they show that the mapper is making progress. It also has a boss fight that goes immediately to the end screen as soon as you place the killing shot at the boss.x

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