Title: Doom II: Purgatory
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/purgator.zip
Size: 44.59 MB
Date: 02/09/17
Author: Corey H.
Description: A new Doom II level set designed to be played without jumping (as that would break most of the puzzles.) Made with Single Player in mind; there are still 4 player starts for Cooperative, as well as deathmatch starts/items in every map.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: 6 years... Yeah... I know.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 (v2.1.0.1356) Doom Builder (v1.68) (Before upgrading to DB2.) SLumpEd (v0.7) Paint Shop Pro 9 (v9.0) Audacity (v2.0.4) ENDOOMER (V1.0.1) (For Version 1.1) - SLADE (v3.0.2) (For Version 1.2) - Adobe Photoshop CS6 (v13.0 x32)
Bugs: Exiting MAP04 has crashed the game on me a few times, but it's very rare. It might be triggered if you cross both exit linedefs at the same time. In MAP05, one time the script tied to the Arachnatrons failed to run. I've never been able to get the bug to reproduce, so I'm not sure what caused it. Also, playing in cooperative can make some levels easier, as they can "cheat" some of the puzzles if working together.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Anything that uses Doom64 audio promises insanity and this WAD does not disappoint. Expect corridors long to THE EXTREME as you listen to the unplugged toilet drain pipe that is Doom64 music. Wonder and ponder why some sounds are replaced with Doom64 moans but others are not. Marvel at disgusting texturing that pays tribute to the worst level design like Dark Forces or that Bethesda Terminator games. Ambitious architecture shows author's strive for good maps, but fun is NULL. Poor, poor, poor!x
I played an older Beta of this from a different forum. I can't really tell what changed since then, except for the unmaker (which is metal as hell AND HIGHLY underutilized in this wad). My main complaint is the lack of monsters in the moonbase maps. The hell levels are absolutely wicked tho and worth the play through especially the secret level and level 7 the bridge onex

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