Title: Qboard Doom2 SP wad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/qboard.zip
Size: 372.87 KB
Date: 07/21/05
Author: Biff Debris, Lunaran, Aardappel
Description: Doom2 SP wad containing 3 SP maps by the above authors. The project originally started out as a "retro" mapping project, i.e. for a large group of quake mappers to each make a doom map and then combine them to a megawad. Sadly after the initial enthusiasm of dozens of mappers only 3 people actually came up with a map and the result is this wad. Rather than letting the project die or waiting forever, we decided to release it anyway.

The result is 3 very different maps:

map01 - by Aardappel, Doom2 style outside affair meant to be played with the chainsaw only map02 - "Hell's Bunker" by Biff Debris, detailed and textured exclusively in q2 textures map03 - by Lunaran, Doom1 style intense combat, with puzzles & surprises
Credits: All the people on qboard and members of the doom community that have helped us out, laughed at us, or otherwise supported us.

The discussion thread that logs the history of this project can be read here:


To get an idea how the doom community rated our project, check:


Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: ages
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83, Deep, and DCK respectively
Bugs: None severe.

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Rating: (17 votes)
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