Title: Radium
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/radium.zip
Size: 1.95 MB
Date: 03/25/22
Author: Jacek Nowak
Description: Who would have thought that a nuclear war would open a portal to hell? You will explore a few multi-storey buildings hidden in a desert flooded with nukage. Play time of around 20-30 minutes. This is designed for classic gameplay - jumping and crouching are disabled in MAPINFO and would break the map if they are on. Freelook on the other hand is a matter of preference - the map has a lot of verticality so it can make sense. I prefer to play the map with freelook disabled in Eternity but enabled in GZDoom but that's just me.
Credits: Ola Björling (ukiro), CammyBanana, DCG Retrowave, MegaSphere, Ivan Stanton (see "Credits" section for details)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 6 weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, SLADE
Bugs: When playing in GZDoom your "Render Mode" needs to be set to "Hardware accelerated" (this is default setting). If you set it to "Doom Software Renderer" the portals do not display correctly.
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