Title: Porn (of which your mainstraem idea is laughable)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rm_porn.zip
Size: 142.89 KB
Date: 08/04/16
Author: RaphaelMode
Description: This doom mod i am presenting you here contains all that pornographical work would, besides sex. this not mine or any other specific person's fetish, it's Doom's. More or less. What porn would be feasible, raesonable and compatible with a Boom-compatible Doom mod? The possibilities are limited, but in those possibilities, there is a fairly decent array of options.

You just entered the ultimate quiz game where the prize is becoming the game master! However, a mistake will be fatal and final to you! Will you impaech the game master? Will you feel safe in knowing that there is no way anyone could ever defaet a game master like you?

The issue is, the quiz requires binary answers to ethical questions. You are not an expert in official ethics of the dentata tribe - in fact, you don't even know how to read their alphabet and language! It appaers that you have set yourself for a defaet, but the steel door is now shut behing you. Can you infer some maening from the writings on the wall? Will the luck be on your side?

Also there is a SECRET ENDING in the final room. it is a somewhat unfinished thing, maening to have you hopelessly stuck in one place and with the audience not participating, but unfortunately zdoom makes it highly impossible to get the player stuck in a wall and i wished to make it compatible with zdoom too even though it's boom compatibility.
Credits: Whatever it was that inspired me.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few days.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, Slade 3.
Bugs: None
Rating: (12 votes)
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One way leads to death, the other way leads to progression. Good concept, shitty executionx
Pretty interesting. Would recommend for someone wanting a map that's unusual.x
That wasn't very good at all really, words fail me.x
are you Fucking kidding me M8? cuz That's Means you REALLY Does Btw wads like those Shouldn't of have been here. just like the Description an AUTOZero. x

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