Title: RetributioN Trilogy
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rtrbtntr.zip
Size: 20.27 MB
Date: 03/16/17
Author: Fenes Octavian Romulus (DooM_RO)
Description: My very first mod project. I released the first map last year but has since been updated for Doom 2 and has had some kinks ironed out. WAD contains 2 HUGE 40+ minute maps and a boss map, built using only vanilla resources and have an emphasis on atmpshere and exploration. If you want, use dynamic lights and Smooth Doom (If on GzDoom) but they are optional. If you care, here is a selection of screenshots, which you can use in your Newstuff review if you want, each with a paragraph of backstory: http://imgur.com/gallery/uZndR
Credits: Aubrey Hodges, Eris Falling, Scifista42 for technical tips on first map, HUGE thanks for Jimmy for playtesting and being very patient with technical stuff, Vita for thoroughly playtesting.
Base: New from scratch and modified first map.
Build time: YEARS!
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, GZDoomBuilder, Slade, WhackED4
Rating: (1 vote)
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