Title: SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation #10
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sbspd010.zip
Size: 177.57 KB
Date: 07/04/03
Author: Various
Description: This is a compilation of the WADs entered in SargeBaldy's tenth speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to create a Doom or Doom 2 level on a certain theme.

This week's theme is to try to create UAC headquarters as you perceive it, perhaps starting outside of the main building itself, ala uac_dead.wad.
Credits: Doomworld for the template for this .txt
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 100 minutes per level
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: The levels in this WAD were all built in 100 minutes, so they did not have a chance to be thoroughly tested. Some bugs undoubtedly exist.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Map01 is terrible, an underground carpark that reeks of 1994; Map02 is great fun, tough; Map03 has Elvis, 'nuff said; Map04 is dire and unplayable; Map05 feels like part of a bog-standard 1994 level, and has a really obvious missing texture; Map06 is a deliberately bad jokewad and doesn't fit the theme at all; Map07 is an astonishing piece of design - it's huge! - but there's no gameplay. Map08 is a bonus joke. Only Map02 is decent, but it's good fun.x

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