Title: S.E.L.V.A
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/selva.zip
Size: 1.87 MB
Date: 07/22/23
Author: ElDabo
Description: Enter the deepest part of the rainforest and search for the three skulls to open the mysterious portal in the middle of the village.

Experience a 1 hour map with 3 levels in it and with backtracking and a lot of secrets.
Credits: Baron Jack for chearing me to do this and for being a good friend.

Michael for being a boy and make me upload this to the internet. love ya buddy <3.

Sang for being on spirit and I hope he is in a good place. We miss you <:(
Base: Doom 2
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
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