Title: Skynight Garden
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/skyn_garden.zip
Size: 425.47 KB
Date: 09/05/21
Author: inflame the dragon
Description: this is a single map PWAD that takes places in some kind of lushy garden build above water, it's surreal and full of nature!

the map's design is based in just one arena full of enemies!

understand the map, choose your path, dodge all the projectiles, kill the enemies, get the keys, finish the level! it's short but fun!

this wad uses the OTEX texture set too! it's optimized so you don't need to worry about file size!

the midi that i used is "Violence Makes Violets" by James Paddock, it fits the level's atmosphere perfectly! quick and violent reflecting the bullet hell, but calm and groovy like the nature around you!
Credits: - the map's midi is "Violence Makes Violets" from 30in30-4 by James Paddock


- the map's textures are from OTEX texture set!

Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3-4 Days
Editor(s) used: UDB, Slade 3
Bugs: the wad uses the SWITCHES/ANIMATED lumps, so i recommend a boom compatible port or crispy doom so the textures and work as intended!
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