Title: Sentient Mushes v21b
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/smush21b.zip
Size: 30.08 MB
Date: 06/23/17
Author: Gustavo Ramos "Gustavo6046" Rehermann
Description: New technology has arrived upon your modem, and BZZT it came on your hard drive! Behold, the first extrapublic version of the soon-IWAD game, Sentient Mushes!

Now with 7 maps (inc. 1 placeholder map and 2 DM ones) of fun, and a bunch of new guns, a few monsters and other miscellaneous stuff going to inf- I mean, sweeten your day.

WARNING: The modeling sprite replacement project isn't done. If you find a cartoonish sprite, feel free to criticize it, but keep in mind we know it and we are going to replace it someday!
Credits: See the CREDITS lump inside. A few textures are from free texture website. I didn't check all of them for copyright, but I should replace bad lumps in future versions if they're specified.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Over a year (WIP)
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, SLADE 3, Audacity, Anvil Studio, OpenMPT, GIMP
Bugs: - A single spore (Paw alt-fire) infects any monster There are probably many more...
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