Title: Snowfury
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/snowfury.zip
Size: 4.56 MB
Date: 10/29/21
Author: EANB
Description: Snowfury is a single map wad for Boom set in an snowy castle featuring classic styled gameplay. The level should take around 15-20 minutes to complete, and provide a decent challenge. Difficulty levels are supported. Freelook is fine, but avoid jumping.

The main gimmick of the map is that it uses a snow effect that doesn't require decorate or a more advanced engine, inspired by the old map "nordhell" by Eternal/Deadall. The effect can break down if you look at it too closely but most of the time it looks pretty nice.

The story: A village in the mountains has heard evil wailing from a nearby castle and demands action. You have been hired to exterminate all who dwell there, from the front steps to the dungeon.

Some monsters have received a new look to suit the environment.
Credits: Textures - CC4 Music - "Under the Stars" from Final Fantasy Tactics Tree sprites - "small trees and bushes" sourced from realm667 Archvile sprite - based on the "Divine Shadow" sourced from realm667 Revenant Sprite - based on the "Ghost Revenant" sourced from realm667. Demon and Imp sprites recolored by me.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Bugs: Under some settings in GZDoom certain trees will glow. The snow may cause performance drops on lower spec computers.
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