Title: Some sorta hydro pump station or something
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sshpsos.zip
Size: 2.63 MB
Date: 09/06/17
Author: Poohlyash
Description: I do think title does a nice job of describing contents of this map. Basically, i got inspired by sum topic on Doomworld called "Map settings/themes you can't get enough of" where LeoDoom posted that there is not that much of a water/tech maps. So i made one.
Credits: Dragonfly, Remmirath, Xyzzy01, AtroNx, leodoom85, id software, Midway and Williams Entertainment Inc., Yuraofthehairfan, Konami, Filmation, and you!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: GZDB and SLADE3
Bugs: Didn't found any
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