Title: Starbase Gehenna
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/starbase.zip
Size: 2.28 MB
Date: 12/23/16
Author: Abe87
Description: 9 level episode. Fight your way through a starbase. Amount of weapons is designed so that you keep them from level to level, so pistol starts not recommended.
Credits: Includes TNT: Evilution music. Stuff from Realm667: Doom textures for Doom II by Tormentor667; Oil barrel by Captain Toenail; Grey metal barrel & chair by Ghastly_dragon; Dead and impaled scientists by scalliano.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2 and Slade 3
Bugs: -
Rating: (7 votes)
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This WAD gets better as you progress, but the initial maps aren't very impressive. The non-linear layout is fine, albeit the connections are lengthy. The maps suffer from a lot of flatness and give off a "Doom 2 architecture mixed with Doom 1 texturing" vibe. Some textures are strangely aligned. Fights are rather easy. The maps are playable but you mostly want them to end. The 3 (or 4) final maps start to be fun, but then the WAD ends.x
Non-linear maps with low monster count and slow progression. It will take 1.5 hours because you'll be checking your map every 10 seconds wondering where to go. x

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