Title: Assault on Castle Wolfenstein
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/stein.zip
Size: 373.84 KB
Date: 06/10/15
Author: Inner Demon Entertainment
Description: Based on the id classic, "Wolfenstein 3D." Stein.wad takes place during the 1940's in an alternate reality in which clandestine research efforts and appeals to ancient, evil deities are about to give Germany an overwhelming advantage in World War II. This series includes period-accurate imagery and design elements relating to the setting and theme. Anyone who may be offended by the theme or images used in the series should refrain from playing it. The story is as follows:
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Approximately 2 Months
Editor(s) used: Slade 3
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)
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I actually enjoyed this although it felt like to me there needed to be a few more levels and different types of Nazis and should've have ww2 weaponry 5 levels just made it felt like it was ended to quickly but other than that. x
Mazes, nazis, mazes, bland visuals, mazes, swastikas, mazes. Shows some creativity and technical knowledge to build technically correct levels so doesn't deserve a zero, but is still a waste of time.x
Creative idea and fun to play, but seems like it really could have been tested better (useless secret in the first level, excessive supplies in the fifth, a lot of unusually easy combat).x
bleh, it's kinda cool. i understand the need for walkthru walls, but it could be hell when a demon steps up and bites your face off! ~1/5x

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