Title: Storage Area 32
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/storage2.zip
Size: 4.08 MB
Date: 10/17/02
Author: Gunrock and The Solution
Description: Storage Area is a dark, flooded, rusted metal base using the quake2 scenario as its theme. To add to the gameplay, it features polydoors, dark ambient music tracks, static lighting and a tga skybox.
Credits: Id software and Ketmar
Base: using the quake2 scenario as its theme. To add to the gameplay, it features polydoors, dark ambient music tracks, static lighting and a tga skybox.
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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Beau tableau avec de bon son plaisant à la doom64 - 4/5 - Eye'sx
Nice looking level.Very much like quake2x

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