Title: Huntington National Laboratory
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/stranger.zip
Size: 424.34 KB
Date: 04/11/18
Author: Jefferson Draney
Description: Life in central Indiana is dull, but as you wind your way up the road to your job as night watchman at the nearby national lab you notice something seems different tonight. The gate, normally open, is closed, and when you pry open the door to the gatehouse you discover the guard on duty dead on the floor. Suspecting murder, you pull out your pistol and step inside. Strange things are afoot, and you’re going to get to the bottom of it…
Credits: The creators of SLADE, for developing such a great editor DOOMWorld forum member lriz for providing an OS X compatible BSP builder Skillsaw, whose masterpiece “Ancient Aliens” inspired me to get back into mapping.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~30 hours all in
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3.1 and ZDBSP
Bugs: None that I know of
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