Title: Strawberry Caverns
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/strberry.zip
Size: 782.24 KB
Date: 04/08/19
Author: mArt1And00m3r11339
Description: Are you looking to play a Nostril Caverns inspired level from me? Here you have it: Strawberry Caverns. It consists mostly of red and some green, resembling a strawberry. You go through a series of corridors, killing enemies, and activating switches. After you activate the switches, arch-viles teleport and you have to activate more switches until the exit opens. Unlike Nostril Caverns, this level is not a giant circle. Rather, it is a series of corridors on 2 sides. Expect a typical gameplay to be 3-4 hours.
Credits: IDSoftware for Doom II (and Doom 3 sound for the cyberdemon wake-up). Paul Debruyne for the Ancient Aliens sound effects (plasma, elevators, doors, powerups). Demonologist for the rocket and player pain and death sound effects General Rainbow Bacon (for creating Slaughterfest). Zachary Stephens for the Slaughterfest 3 community project (for the status bar) Community Chest 4 team for the cc4-tex. Authors of Deus Vult 2 (for the sunglasses on Doom Guy's face)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Few days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade
Bugs: Maybe some unaligned textures but that shouldn't be a cause for concern since they are outdoor textures with bright lines on them.
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