Title: Bloody Sunday
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sunday.zip
Size: 280.46 KB
Date: 07/04/22
Author: Federico Milesi (aka MrFroz)
Description: At the time I didn't know it, or else it would have been a little bit disheartening. This is my fourth Doom level made from scratch conceptually, and even though I had been doing pretty well making maps and getting more creative with each release, this was the last time even until today I tried to make something completely original for Doom. Afterwards I fell into a creative slump and didn't manage to come up with more maps except for one that hasn't been released because it is incomplete. And thus this level became an unintentional swan song.

Ten years later, I look fondly on this as being the best level I made up to that date. I managed to include more ZDoom features than in my ZDoom remake of my first level, and was also able to do stuff like Quake-like water animation.

This was also my least blocky and linear map, with some strategic gameplay. Although the design is still quite basic on a visual level, I was starting to craft more intricated designs.

I can only wonder what would it have been like if I kept doing more maps...and if I'll ever return.
Credits: -
Base: Made from scratch.
Build time: Around three weeks.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2.
Bugs: None.
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