Title: Stone Turmoil
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/t-stone.zip
Size: 134.87 KB
Date: 12/23/06
Author: Tango
Description: Stone Turmoil was just a 90 minute speedmap to begin with, but after getting feedback from the regulars of #dmclub, I decided I'd do a little work on it and release it. Minor gameplay changes have been made since, and skill settings have been added. I've included the original map (note: it has no skill settings, so it might seem hard to some of you), just so you can see the changes I made (if you're curious, that is).
Credits: Belial - Testing and feedback DomRem - Testing and feedback Hobbs - Testing and feedback Killingblair - Testing and feedback Kaiser - Inspiration Erik Alm - Inspiration Dutch Devil - Inspiration Afterglow - The sky, which came from a sky pack he posted on the DoomWorld forums (I did a recoloring job on the sky, though) ... And eveyone else that I forgot
Base: New from scratch
Build time: December 13th - December 23rd '06
Editor(s) used: XWE, Doom Builder
Bugs: Map02 might have a few
Rating: (20 votes)
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