Title: Take It Easy
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/takeiteasy.zip
Size: 413.34 KB
Date: 04/16/23
Author: SuyaSS
Description: Take it Easy is a Boom mapset containing 2 maps. The 1st map is a throwaway while the 2nd map is the main course Music: Made by me as a challenge to only use the grand piano instrument


Both of these maps were first drawn in a notebook and then converted to a map. Shadows were a main focus while making these maps. They are connected by the teleporters

MAP01 (Fallen):

Very short map with the main objective being pressing 2 buttons in the correct order. I tried to go in the route of ammo starving, so expect a lot of pistoling.

MAP02 (Take It Easy):

Longer than the other map but still short. There was a main focus on 3 colors while making the base. White, Blue, and Black Lower difficulties have an interesting way of difficulty implementation. Significant use of Voodoo doll conveyers.

MAP03 (WBG Base (Legacy Take It Easy)):

Old version of Map02
Credits: JimmyTex By James Paddock
Base: . White, Blue, and Black Lower difficulties have an interesting way of difficulty implementation. Significant use of Voodoo doll conveyers.

MAP03 (WBG Base (Legacy Take It Easy)):

Old version of Map02
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder
Bugs: If using Swirling Liquids in Woof/Nugget Doom, some non-liquid flats will also start swirling, Hell Knight heads will appear stuck in GZDoom in the final area (both of these are not game-breaking)
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