Title: The Canyon
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tcanyon.zip
Size: 291.75 KB
Date: 06/15/15
Author: The Architect
Description: A large open world level with some claustrophobic caves and tunnel systems. The level revolves around the inner workings of a bunker nestled deep in the cave systems. Several other unnerving things seem to be going on as well. My first doom level. Requires Gothic99
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Rating: (9 votes)
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The incompetence it takes to make a map this fucked deserves a medal. It requires all the IWADs to be loaded in a certain order, THEN gothic99.wad, THEN the map. Bravo. 5 solid white stars!x
"Several other unnerving things seem to be going on as well" - Yes, in the author's head. In addition to what was mentioned earlier about layout and enemy placement, it is missing several textures included in Gothic 99 (hence the "requires Gothic99" in the description) yet loading it with Gothic 99 produces the same missing textures and error messages.x
walter confalonieri
It could be cool if it wasn't so badly broken...x
Awful layout, ugly texture use, very poor ambiance, and gameplay based on stealth monsters + far away snipers. Overall this level earns 1 star for the effort only, because there isn't more to appreciate. @ Author: you might seriously consider using beta testers in an early stadium, because this is simply a waste of effort.x
Level structure and enemy placement are poor. It's unplayable.x
Pretty goddamn disappointing.x
This map is more or less a bunch of narrow canyons that leads wide, open spaces. The enemy placement is absolutely horrid (Dozens of spectres in an open space is NOT FUN!) and there are tons of misaligned and out of place textures. I'm sorry, but this level really isn't all that great.x

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