Title: Tekex
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tekex.zip
Size: 277.3 KB
Date: 05/28/18
Author: sigsegv
Description: Tekex (a.k.a. Tech-Base Exploration) is a variant of Urban Exploration. One of the main differences is having something more interesting to shoot than rats. It is one of the most popular hobbies among UAC marines.

This is a medium-sized map with a mixture of open areas and smaller passages. Focus was put into verticality, light play and strolling monsters. Also includes a bunch of tricky traps, similar to my previous wad.

It is recommended to use a limit-removing port, since no tuning was done to avoid visplane overflows.

TITLEPIC is a 2-gram visualization of bytes in doom2.wad.
Credits: RSKY1 adapted from Moonrise Kingdom photo by Casey Horner: https://unsplash.com/photos/O0R5XZfKUGQ

D_RUNNIN is Rivers.mid from MIDI Dreams by Dial-up for Murder: https://dialupformurder.bandcamp.com/album/midi-dreams
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 month
Editor(s) used: SLADE 3, GIMP
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