Title: Terror Tomb
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/terrort.zip
Size: 90.82 KB
Date: 07/16/16
Author: Claudio Sapere
Description: You have descended into the eerie necropolis of those hellish creatures. Amongst rotten corpses and cobblestone walls, you fight to reach the undead king of horrors. Its defeat is your only way out.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One day.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder
Bugs: Some texture clippings may appear. I suggest to play this map on GZDOOM.
Rating: (8 votes)
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The first archville, and the last barons drain all of your ammo. x
Very average map. There's one fight with Hell Knights that involves lots of circle strafing and drains all your ammunition. The same goes for the ending boss fight - if you have ammo at this point. Visuals are bland.x
Getsu Fune
not really that exciting, there's a few teleport ambushes, a lavawalk for a BFG, and a spiral that surrounds you with hell nobles. overall, averagex
It was pretty cool, UNTIL the horde of baron's near the end. Then it was just frustrating.x

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