Title: The Failed Experiment
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tfe.zip
Size: 19.92 MB
Date: 12/12/21
Author: ProYT
Description: Scientists at Mars have started testing their new prototype, it's a teleporter that allows you to travel to hell. But suddenly something goes wrong and demons breach into the facility. Your mission is to eliminate all enemies, then, use that teleporter and go to wherever those demons came from. Kill everyone there and come back alive!
Credits: The realm 667 community, Jimmy, but specially the OTEX texture pack creator, Ola Björling. Also "Metal 4 Life" and "Paul Composer" for their covers! Thank you guys! This wouldn't have been possible without you.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 Month
Editor(s) used: GZDoom, Slade 3, Audacity, WhackEd 4
Bugs: Second Door in Map01, which leads to the map's lobby, it's door tracks don't seem to be lower unpegged but actually they are.
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