Title: The Wreck
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/thewreck.zip
Size: 2.36 MB
Date: 09/20/16
Author: Thomas Nijman
Description: This was my 2016 vinesauce mapping competition submission. UAC has located a sunken ship with important stuff on board. You are sent to investigate the ship. It turns out that you are not the only one around. You also notice that part of the ship is upside down. You start fighting your way through the cargo, machine rooms, engine rooms, living quarters, ball rooms, recreation when eventually you will reach the deck which is basically in a giant drained cave.
Credits: & Stecki for the Deconstruct Industrial Textures Core Design for the idea (Tomb Raider II)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Photoshop, audacity, Slade
Rating: (3 votes)
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Ugly, lacks gameplay (apart from jumping and more jumping and switch hunt) and has eyesore haze in the water. Completed MAP01, then quit after more of the same was in MAP02. A Tomb Raider idea implemented in Doom, but implemented poorly.x

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