Title: Temple of the Marshes
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tmarsh.zip
Size: 178.92 KB
Date: 02/06/21
Author: Gustavo6046
Description: You follow down a narrow path in the marshes to investigate abnormal activity in an ancient structure, only to find yourself engulfed by its evil.

Replaces MAP01, supports both single-player, coop and deathmatch, including special definitions specifically for the latter two. It was designed with atmosphere and exploration in mind, but deathmatch can be intense, paranoic and fun. Implements all skills. Must be run in a source port with Boom feature set support.
Credits: Eureka for being a simple and easy to use editor - it has its little quirks but it's overall more straightforward than SLADE.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A couple weeks or so
Editor(s) used: Eureka for Linux
Bugs: None.
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