Title: Testament of Judgement 1.5 promotional release
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/toj_15b.zip
Size: 77.96 KB
Date: 09/11/99
Author: S. Woodman
Description: This WAD has the first level of Testament of Judgement, the new 32 level WAD which will be available at some unknown date in the near future when I have finished it.

These levels have new music, one new graphic (the sky), and a BEX patch for BOOM.

The other level is from a release I am planning for next year - TOJ Deathmatch. It is dedicated DM.

NOTE: There are a number of discrepancies between this promotional release and the end text for BOOM (ENDBOOM). Just ignore those for the moment.
Credits: No-one yet, except the general public (for bothering to read this and downloading the WAD)
Base: Both from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEEP 9.78, DETH 4.24, DEEPBSP.
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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As far as I can tell, "Testament of Judgement" was never finished. And yet the world carries on. This is very poor; it's a lot of cramped, up-close fights against slightly too many medium-tough monsters. Clearly unfinished. Map02 is a shoddy deathmatch arena. It was nostalgic hearing the Descent music again though.x

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