Title: Train Station
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/transtat.zip
Size: 339.66 KB
Date: 07/24/04
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: Battle it out against some of the toughest hellspawn on a train station, complete with Voice Enunciator.
Base: All new level from scratch

Editor(s) used Doom Builder, Doomcad 6.1

Known Bugs The level can't be completed using a sourceport that does not support the MAPINFO lump. Otherwise there are no bugs.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, Doomcad 6.1

Known Bugs The level can't be completed using a sourceport that does not support the MAPINFO lump. Otherwise there are no bugs.
Bugs: The level can't be completed using a sourceport that does not support the MAPINFO lump. Otherwise there are no bugs.
Rating: (8 votes)
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too short and not particulary clever but somehow fun.x
If you press on that Speaker thing on the platform, it will announce the departure time for trains heading both directions.x
pretty disappointing - one train track, a cyb-battle, well designed but too small. also there's invisible walls on the tracks so you can get pinned and rocketed.x
Pretty small and gameplay pretty shabby. However, what was there was pretty good and looked nice *** -Duncanx
Meeh. I thought it will be entire station, not one platform and tracks as a cyberdemon arena.x

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