Title: Trigger-happy
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/triggerh.zip
Size: 52.68 KB
Date: 01/08/17
Author: pintolinh0
Description: My 2nd map; wolf3D-esque. Challenging, but fair (intended to be played on UV). Design-wise i'm on baby steps.. figuring out stuff, but i've learned a lot making this one; so i'm confidant that i can bring a more elaborate/complex level design in the future. Hope you all enjoy it and feedback is always welcome ;)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 week
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: none, but if the map looks way too dark: set the brightness to 1.30-.35
Rating: (4 votes)
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it's unfair to me. x
It's a good level at the start, very tough, even on HMP... but the 2nd segment is just a tad unfair to me, but then again, i'm not the best at Doom. I would recommend to play this wad, it's fun enough to give it a shot, it's just not for mex

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