Title: The Tyrell Corporation
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tyrell.zip
Size: 381.01 KB
Date: 09/15/99
Author: Brad Spencer
Description: This wad was made for Alex Adolphson, because me and him love to coop on doomserv. Coop was the main focus,but it is possible to beat in single player, and is sure to piss you off. The map size is quite large and detailed and there are 400+ enemies to blow away. Have fun!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wintex, NWT, Wadauthor, BSP
Bugs: This level was made in the zdoom 1.18 period and that version of zdoom still has some save game issues...
Rating: (3 votes)
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liked, but you have to find the secret ammo stash at the startx
looks very good, plays very dull. btw, there is nothing of special zdoom features (except titlepic), so it's playable in doom2+x

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