Title: UAC First World Facility
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/uacfwf.zip
Size: 1.02 MB
Date: 01/16/17
Author: OVERKILL_Adam
Description: This is my first DOOM map, and it's based heavily on the First World Bank map, featured in both PAYDAY: The Heist and PAYDAY 2.

The spawn area, some of the outdoors area, the underground area past the blue key, and the hell area are my own design. The rest is based on the original map.

Been playing DOOM since I was a little kid, finally wanted to try my hand at a map, so here we go!
Credits: MIDI: Disturbed - Believe
Base: From Scratch
Build time: Several months, on and off.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade
Rating: (11 votes)
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for a first map its great!x
That's not a bad map but it uses some action elements that make your eyes roll. I mean the monsters invasions from teleporters. The crusher puzzle is fair but you need to pay attention. Music gets weary, detail is okay, the super shotgun is provided much later than when you start to feel that you want it.x

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