Title: Underground Cult
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/undkult.zip
Size: 22.78 MB
Date: 02/06/22
Author: eoomu
Description: You are an Ex-Cultist, your cult was dedicated to taking control of the demons, after so many years of fidelity, you left everything to live elsewhere, in search of peace and serenity, you abandoned everything, your friends, your parents and your village. after two years, you started having recurring nightmares where you saw the sky tinted with a blood red color, you knew very well that all of this had to do with your old cult. after taking out your gun, you walked to the place of your past ... but it was too late, your village had already been destroyed by the demons. you hear a strange voice underground, they are calling you, answer their call!
Credits: Matacrat, Clippy Clippington, Dannarchy and NilsQ for testing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Months
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder - Slade 3
Bugs: you can skip the bridge section by jumping on the left side and then on the platform.
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