Title: Uplink
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/uplink15.zip
Size: 10.86 MB
Date: 12/08/16
Author: Zoltan Schmidt "Katamori"
Description: Three maps taking place in a virtual reality infected by Hell.

Made in January-February of 2015, these were inspired by various cyberpunk, vaporwave, and other, similar sci-fi music and artworks - in fact, it was intended to be the part of a bigger mapset that couldn't happen eventually.

I wish I could tell anything else, but that's all: finished maps waiting in silence for almost two years.

I hope you enjoy them after so much pause! Good luck!

cc4-tex.wad fully included, with some textures replaced by own creations.


"One Must Fall 2097 - Menu v1.1" MIDI Maebashi Station - Chicago Skaven - Walk it off Deus Ex: Nihilum OST - Queens, ambient track
Credits: Authors of corresponding textures from cc4-tex.wad.

Authors of the music: Mark7, Super Lust Recordings (https://superlust.bandcamp.com), Skaven (Peter Hajba) and RetroXor. An anonymous friend of mine for the new HUD and other GFX. Lainos for a lump I used in one of the skies. Ribbiks for blue fonts from Swim With The Whales.

Everyone who inspired me for this mapset, including Obsidian. ('Into the Code')
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About one month.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3, Paint.NET
Bugs: Good question...good luck not to find any!
Rating: (12 votes)
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Quite original and much blue.x
Very impressive. In spite of blue labyrinth where it was rather bad trip.x
Getsu Fune
awesome music, good gameplay overall, great theme.x
I really enjoyed this one. Nice design, cool music and fun gameplay.x

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