Title: Usurper
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/usurper.zip
Size: 186.57 KB
Date: 04/16/23
Author: Human_Animal
Description: Usurper is a huge map set in a demonic weapons base. Extreme planning went into the maps layout, and each room is designed to make you want to play aggressively.

There is no shortage of health and ammo on this map, so you can afford to play dangerously and take risks. Although many powerups are in secret areas, you'll still find some given out for free, from the kindness of my own heart.

Along with a cool secret room and a well-placed Invulnerability, this level contains blood-pumping arenas, death traps, and no shortage of nasty shit for you to deal with. Hordes of Archviles will resurrect your dead enemies, and teleporters will take you straight to heart-stopping ambushes. You will definitely have your guts ripped out and eaten on UV.

If you like tightly-balanced gameplay, and highly difficult, yet rewarding battles, then this map is for you. Difficulty settings are supported, so if UV is too hard, you can go get your ass kicked at an easier skill level.
Base: . Extreme planning went into the maps layout, and each room is designed to make you want to play aggressively.

There is no shortage of health and ammo on this map, so you can afford to play dangerously and take risks. Although many powerups are in secret areas, you'll still find some given out for free, from the kindness of my own heart.

Along with a cool secret room and a well-placed Invulnerability, this level contains blood-pumping arenas, death traps, and no shortage of nasty shit for you to deal with. Hordes of Archviles will resurrect your dead enemies, and teleporters will take you straight to heart-stopping ambushes. You will definitely have your guts ripped out and eaten on UV.

If you like tightly-balanced gameplay, and highly difficult, yet rewarding battles, then this map is for you. Difficulty settings are supported, so if UV is too hard, you can go get your ass kicked at an easier skill level.
Build time: 3 months
Editor(s) used: Various
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