Title: Vault
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/vault.zip
Size: 3.78 MB
Date: 07/05/14
Author: Revan114
Description: You are specialist Wilson with the UAC, tasked with the retrieval of a weapons vault in a now overrun UAC base on Mars. You are to go through the 3 areas and get the keys for the designated area, then open the vault with them.

Basically it's just a nice small map that I made when I was tired of all the multi-level wads. I have to say I really like how it turned out.
Credits: Doomworld I guess?
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 Days
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder, XWE
Bugs: None that I know of, though there is one texture mishap with a door in the beginning.
Rating: (8 votes)
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Ugly and seemingly random application of textures. Weird, cramped areas. One case of stupid copy&paste (revenants trap). Difficulty varies between easy and hard.x
Small map giving the impression that it's been made or based in 1995. Layout is simple, rectangular and often cramped, texture use has little variation, ambiance is imho outdated. Gameplay is easy and ends with 3 times pressing a button followed by two revenants appearing left and right. And there's one invisible baron chasing you in a small corridor. Overall: disappointingly. BTW @ ^^ : there's only MAP01, not mapS...x
Pretty maps.x
I liked it right fine.x

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