Title: Castle of the Dead
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/vile_dead.zip
Size: 994.58 KB
Date: 06/26/03
Author: Reverend Maynard
Description: A very large and very trap-filled gothic-style map filled with surprises. Since I spent so much time on it, I'm too tired to write a detailed description, but do you really need one? Enjoy!
Base: Ten thousand monkeys on ten thousand typewriters. Build Time I'd tell you when I started making this wad, but Confederate soldiers burned all my documents. Editor(s) used DEU, BSP Known Bugs Flies, mosquitoes, hornets, ants, wasps. Some minor glitches stemming from the fact that I probably confused the hell out of the nodesbuilder. Kill percentage at the end will never be accurate, as some monsters are used only for special effects and can't be killed. Sometimes game crashes when you enter the rising castle. I can't figure out why, so be sure to save beforehand. I changed some sector heights and it hasn't happened recently, but be careful anyway. * Fixed a bug that caused a HOM if you try to close a door that shouldn't exist.
Build time: I'd tell you when I started making this wad, but Confederate soldiers burned all my documents. Editor(s) used DEU, BSP Known Bugs Flies, mosquitoes, hornets, ants, wasps. Some minor glitches stemming from the fact that I probably confused the hell out of the nodesbuilder. Kill percentage at the end will never be accurate, as some monsters are used only for special effects and can't be killed. Sometimes game crashes when you enter the rising castle. I can't figure out why, so be sure to save beforehand. I changed some sector heights and it hasn't happened recently, but be careful anyway. * Fixed a bug that caused a HOM if you try to close a door that shouldn't exist.
Editor(s) used: DEU, BSP Known Bugs Flies, mosquitoes, hornets, ants, wasps. Some minor glitches stemming from the fact that I probably confused the hell out of the nodesbuilder. Kill percentage at the end will never be accurate, as some monsters are used only for special effects and can't be killed. Sometimes game crashes when you enter the rising castle. I can't figure out why, so be sure to save beforehand. I changed some sector heights and it hasn't happened recently, but be careful anyway. * Fixed a bug that caused a HOM if you try to close a door that shouldn't exist.
Bugs: Flies, mosquitoes, hornets, ants, wasps. Some minor glitches stemming from the fact that I probably confused the hell out of the nodesbuilder. Kill percentage at the end will never be accurate, as some monsters are used only for special effects and can't be killed. Sometimes game crashes when you enter the rising castle. I can't figure out why, so be sure to save beforehand. I changed some sector heights and it hasn't happened recently, but be careful anyway. * Fixed a bug that caused a HOM if you try to close a door that shouldn't exist.
Rating: (15 votes)
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