Title: Welcome Back
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/welcback.zip
Size: 13.7 MB
Date: 04/06/22
Author: Cheesebone
Description: Ahhh dammit - looks like you're back in hell again. This time, you just fell through a rocky ceiling and landed in some water. But, awwww, how thoughtful - some monsters happen to be right there waiting to welcome you back.


I hope you enjoy this. It's a big map, with over 3,200 sectors and around 2,000 monsters on the UV skill. You'll have plenty of ammo, but infighting is still definitely a huge part of this map.

I only used GZDoom to test this map, and I have no idea how (or if) it will perform on other ports. I always played with Freelook ON (I actually suggest it) and I also used hardware rendering during my tests. I don't know if there will be any other issues if those settings aren't used, lol. Crouching and Jumping should be unused. This was my first map in 23 years (and my 2nd one ever to be released) so I'm a little out of the loop these days.

If you like the music in the wad, feel free to check out my music page over at cheesebone.bandcamp.com - you can download music for free if you "name your price" as $0. Anything over that, and I get paid the dollas.
Credits: Extra thanks to DW Forum members Murdoch and ScrappyMcDoogerton for playtesting this map. They had fantastic suggestions and their input really helped this turn out better than it otherwise would have if I'd just relied entirely on myself.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: No clue
Editor(s) used: UDB
Bugs: None that I know of. Tested with GZDoom and Hardware rendering.
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