Title: What The F*ck!
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/wtf.zip
Size: 504.49 KB
Date: 09/09/03
Author: Derrick A. Allen -BloodSplatter inc.
Description: Just another couple of levels by me. nothin too fancy.it was supposed to be 1 level, but seeing as i put in a bunch of new weapons i tried to make more then one, but when i found out that i couldnt even get a multi map zdoom wad going i just kept it at 2 levels. map2 is structured like a dm level but it is also single player\co-op. bfg takes 100 cells to operate, and there are never enough cells to work it more then once or twice but you do have a rail gun which is pretty powerful.
Credits: Rogue Entertainment,ID Software,BloodSplatter Inc. Mark Klem , lemme know if i missed u.
Base: New levels from scratch but also included a few rooms from an older level i made for uac deathcamp 2 which was never released
Build time: A few weeks
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 6.0,Doomcad 6.1 ,Wadauthor 1.30,Wintex 4.3, paintshop pro 6
Bugs: None that i know of
Rating: (9 votes)
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Interesting couple of short early zdoom maps. Second map is pretty brutal from a pistol start for only having 18 monsters.x
It's neat. Nice weapons modification. A bit difficult starting off. x
fun weapon mod.x
Too much colored light sectors, ew. x

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