Title: Explorer: Ruins of Baevon
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/xplruin.zip
Size: 137.2 KB
Date: 03/16/15
Author: Zulk-RS
Description: During the events of Doom-II, a marine (not Doomguy) got trapped in hell.
Credits: Id software for making Doom
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 Month with breaks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: none
Rating: (7 votes)
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This map tries to imitate a real-world location but fails at doing so. Too spacious and too rectangular. Visual details are non-existent, apart from some texturing. Too much backtracking. At least fights aren't tedious, but they provide next to no challenge. A poor WAD.x
Large but poor map, could have been built in 1994 due to its flaws: poor and overly simple layout, simple texture use, almost no ambiance, and almost completely uninteresting gameplay. Because of the effort, @ author: size does not matter, but ambiance & gameplay do - this is just too simple. You might consider examining some good levels, try to rebuild some interesting scenes, and then start a new map varying on that. It will improve your mapping skills. And use beta testers. Success!x
Giving it a 2 as it's a clear a fair amount of (quite misguided) effort has gone into this.x
A sluggish level with an extreme excess of ammunition consisting of a giant open area and some 1994 caves. I liked the Zdoom touches but they cannot save a level like this.x
Bad map. First of all, it won't work with "Any limit-removing sourceport". There is swimable water, particle fountains and apparently you need to jump, so use ZDoom-based stuff. Monsters are placed so you can run past all of them as you have no reason to fight them. Design is squareish, little to no detail. There are some random splats of detailing like cracks in ground and that's it. So there is no gameplay that would interest anyone and nothing to look at. Avoid.x

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