Title: Zerox Lab
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/zeroxlab.zip
Size: 434.76 KB
Date: 07/27/14
Author: doompopulist
Description: This is a very difficult tech lab map that replaces Map01 of Doom 2, and it will likely take you a long time to finish. I tried to create a sense that, while you can hear other people battling throughout the base, you still feel as if you're alone. This is much better if you play it in coop, and it only utilizes Doom 2 textures.

Story: You're guarding your assigned post, almost falling asleep from boredom. Suddenly, most of the lights and power go out, and you start hearing combat over the radio. You know something's up, but none of the doors or lifts around you will work. Suddenly, an engineer contacts you over the radio.

"Can anyone hear this? Is anyone there?" "I'm stranded in the alpha quarter. None of the doors will work. What's going on out there?" "There's some sort of invasion. I can probably get one of the doors open, but it will take some time." "How much time?" "Several hours, but again, only if I'm able to open it." "You might not be able to?" "The door might open, but it might also not open."

And so, now you must wait for the engineer's aid while hoping that the invaders won't corner you.

Suddenly, you hear something on the other side of the door, and it's not human...
Credits: id Software for the sounds
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, SLADE
Rating: (9 votes)
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At the end, the fun of playing DooM levels is in the gameplay. So the question whether or not this attempt is original, interesting or whatever, is irrelevant - because there is no gameplay, only waiting for something to happen somewhere in the hopefully near future. 1/5 for the efford. BTW ^^ waits for 24 hours - and still gives 3*??? Interesting :lol:x
It takes a full 24 hours before the door might open.x
At first, it seems like this is an interesting experiment in scripting--a level where you have a voice over the radio to help you through, but you still have to fight alone. But then you realize that the door which "won't work yet" won't work at all. And there's only a few radio quotes. And the entire map is only one room. This is pretty obviously incomplete. 2/5 for the idea. Now execute the idea.x

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